Test::FIT - A FIT Test Framework for Perl


    FIT stands for "Framework for Interactive Testing". It is a testing
    methodology invented by Ward Cunningham, and is fully described at

    Test::FIT is a Perl implementation of this methodology. It provides a
    web based test harness that lets you run FIT test pages against Test
    Fixture Classes which you write as simple Perl modules. The Fixture
    modules are generally simple to write because they inherit functionality
    from Test::FIT::Fixture.

    Test::FIT requires a web server. For the purposes of this explanation,
    I'll assume you want to install your FIT tests in "/usr/local/fit" and
    that you are using the Apache web server. We'll also assume you are
    running on a Unix variant operating system.

  Creating a FIT directory
    To make the FIT web directory, do this:

        mkdir /usr/local/fit

    You can put your various FIT test suites into various subdirectories
    under this directory. For simplicity, FIT-Test comes with an example FIT
    test directory. We'll install this as:


  Installing the example code
    After installing Test-FIT follow these steps:

        # You should have already done the first two steps :)
        # tar xvzf Test-FIT-#.##.tar.gz
        # cd Test-FIT-#.##
        cp -r example /usr/local/fit
        cd /usr/local/fit/example
        fit-run.cgi --setup

  Apache Configuration
    Put this block into your "httpd.conf" and (re)start your Apache server:

        Alias /fit/ /usr/local/fit/
        <Directory /usr/local/fit/>
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
            Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks Indexes
            AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
            DirectoryIndex index.html

  Trying it out
    Point you browser at http://your-domain-name/fit/example/

    You should see the test page with the fixture tables. Click on the
    hyperlink to run the tests. You should see the table cells turn
    different colors depending on the test results.

    If you are having trouble installing the example and just want to see
    what it really should look like, I have the example installed at:

    NOTE: I am providing this link as a convenience. I may decide not to run
    it at some point. This link may not exist anymore by the time you read
    this. Please do NOT email me if it doesn't work!

The Test Document
    FIT Tests are specified in HTML tables. You can create them with any
    program that can produce HTML with tables (including, of course, a plain
    text editor). I personally use the Mozilla Composer wysiwyg editor that
    comes for free with Mozilla. You can also create Test Documents in
    spreadsheet applications that export to HTML.

    Possibly, the simplest way to do this is to use wiki software that
    allows you to create simple html tables. I plan on writing something to
    do this soon. Ward Cunningham has also set up <> to do
    this, but it is currently a password protected site.

    There is plenty of information on how to set up Test Documents at

    The file <example/index.html> is a sample Test Document to get you

Creating Fixture Modules
    A Fixture is just FIT terminology for a Perl class (or module). The
    Fixture is designed to perform certain tests. The Fixture must be a
    subclass of Test::FIT::Fixture.

    Generally a Fixture will contain a method for each named test in a Test
    Document table.

    Here is a sample HTML table (in a wiki/ascii representation):

        == My Simple Math Test ==
        | MathFixture          |
        | x  | y  | sum | diff |
        | 1  | 2  | 3   | -1   |
        | -8 | 12 | 4   | -4   |
        Click [[fit-run.cgi here]] to run the tests.

    The first row names the Fixture to be used. In this case, "MathFixture".
    The second row lists all of the methods that will be called. The
    implementation of "" might look like this:

        package MathFixture;
        use base 'Test::FIT::ColumnFixture';
        use Test::FIT;
        sub sum {
            my $self = shift;
            $self->eq_num($self->x + $self->y);
        sub diff {
            my $self = shift;
            $self->eq_num($self->x - $self->y);

    If you were to run this test, you would see that three of the table
    cells would turn green (passed), and one would turn red (failed). The
    cells under "x" and "y" would remain white, because they are just data

The CGI program
    When you installed Test::FIT you also installed a small perl script
    called "fit-run.cgi". This script should be in your Perl "sitebin"
    directory, which should be in your path.

    Generally you will symlink to this script from whatever test directory
    you are using. The easy way is:

        cd /usr/local/fit/mytest
        fit-run.cgi --setup

    The "--setup" option will create the symlink for you. If this doesn't
    work properly just do:

        cd /usr/local/fit/mytest
        ln -s `which fit-run.cgi` fit-run.cgi

    All you need to do to run this CGI is to link to it from your HTML Test
    Document. "fit-run.cgi" will look at the "referer" and read in the Test
    Document, process it against the fixtures, and markup the original HTML
    with colors and possibly error messages.

    Simply brilliant, Mr. Cunningham!

    See Also:

    * fit-run.cgi
        The cgi program for running fit tests.

    * Test::FIT::Fixture
        The base class for all Fixture classes. This documentation explains
        all of the methods that you inherit into your Fixture Class.

    * Test::FIT::ColumnFixture
        The base class for your column oriented test fixtures. Inherits from
        Text::FIT::Fixture. This documentation will show you how to create a
        Column Fixture Class.

        The FIT homepage.

    This is the maiden voyage of Test::FIT. Use it. Have fun. Look at the
    pretty colors. But EXPECT CHANGE. FIT itself is still being designed.

    This version of Test::FIT only has a ColumnFixture. The RowFixture and
    ActionFixture will be added soon.

    Brian Ingerson <>

    The FIT architecture was invented by Ward Cunningham <>

    The FIT project requests that all implementations be licensed under the
    GPL version 2 or higher. Test-FIT respects that request by shipping
    under "The same terms as Perl itself" which includes your choice of
    either the Artistic or GPL licenses.

    Copyright (c) 2003. Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    See <>

    See <>