use AWS::IP;

  my $aws = AWS::IP->new(600, '/tmp/aws_ip_cache');

  # get the raw data as a Perl reference
  my $aws_ip_data = $aws->get_raw_data;

  # check if an ip address is AWS
  if ($aws->is_aws_ip('')

  # get a list of all AWS cidrs
  my $cidrs = $aws->get_cidrs;

  for (@$cidrs)

  # create your own ip checks
  use Net::CIDR::Set;

  my $ec2_cidrs = $aws->get_cidrs_by_service('EC2');
  my $aws_ec2_set = Net::CIDR::Set->new( @$ec2_cidrs );

  if ($aws_ec2_set->contains($ip)

  # time passes, cache has expired
  $aws_ip_data = $aws->get_raw_data; # auto refreshes


AWS L<publish|https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json> their IP ranges, which periodically change. This module downloads and serializes the IP ranges into a Perl data hash reference. It caches the data, and if the cache expires, re-downloads a new version. This can be helpful if you want to block all AWS IP addresses and periodically refresh the blocked IPs.

=head2 new ($cache_timeout_secs, [$cache_path])

Creates a new AWS::IP object and sets up the cache. Requires an number for the cache timeout seconds. Optionally takes a cache path argument. If no cache path is supplied, AWS::IP will use a random temp directory. If you want to reuse the cache over multiple processes, provide a cache path.


=head2 ip_is_aws ($ip, [$service])

Boolean method to test if an ip address is from AWS. Optionally takes a service name (AMAZON|EC2|CLOUDFRONT|ROUTE53|ROUTE53_HEALTHCHECKS) and restricts the check to AWS ip addresses for that service.

If you are checking more than one ip address, it's more efficient to pull the CIDRs you want, then use L<Net::CIDR::Set> to test if the ips are present in the CIDRs (see example in SYNOPSIS).


=head2 get_raw_data

Returns the entire raw IP dataset as a Perl data structure.


=head2 get_cidrs

Returns an arrayref of the L<CIDRs|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing> in the AWS IP address data.


=head2 get_cidrs_by_region ($region)

Returns an arrayref of CIDRs matching the provided region.


=head2 get_cidrs_by_service ($service)

Returns an arrayref of CIDRs matching the provided service (AMAZON|EC2|CLOUDFRONT|ROUTE53|ROUTE53_HEALTHCHECKS).


=head2 get_regions

Returns an arrayref of the regions in the AWS IP address data.


=head2 get_services

Returns an arrayref of the services (Amazon, EC2 etc) in the AWS IP address data.


=head2 SEE ALSO

L<AWS::Networks> - is similar to this module but does not provide cacheing.

Amazon's L<page|http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-ip-ranges.html> on AWS IP ranges.
