Wais - access to freeWAIS-sf libraries

    `require Wais;'

    The interface is divided in four major parts.

    SFgate 4.0
              For backward compatibility the functions used in
              SFgate up to version 4 are still present. Their use is
              deprecated and they are not documented here. These
              functions may no be supported in following versions of
              this module.

    Protocol  XS functions which provide a low-level access to the WAIS
              protocol. E.g. `generate_search_apdu()' constructs a
              request message.

    SFgate 5  Perl functions that implement high-level access to WAIS
              servers. E. g. parallel searching is supported.

              A bunch of XS functions useful for inspecting local

    We will start with the SFgate 5 functions.

    The main high-level interface are the functions `Wais::Search'
    and `Wais::Retrieve'. Both return a reference to an object of
    the class `Wais::Result'.


    Arguments of `Wais::Search' are hash references, one for each
    database to search. The keys of the hashes should be:

    query     The query to submit.

    database  The database which should be searched.

    host      host is optional. It defaults to `'localhost''.

    port      port is optional. It defaults to `210'.

    tag       A tag by which individual results can be associated to a
              database/host/port triple. If omitted defaults to the
              database name.

    relevant  If present must be a reference to an array containing
              alternating document id's and types. Document id's
              must be of type `Wais:Docid'.

              Here is a complete example:

                   $result = Wais::Search({'query'    => 'pfeifer', 
                                           'database' => $db1, 
                                           'host'     => 'ls6',
                                           'relevant' => [$id, 'TEXT']},
                                          {'query'    => 'pfeifer', 
                                           'database' => $db2});

              If *host* is `'localhost'' and *database*`.src'
              exists, local search is performed instead of
              connecting a server.

              `Wais::Search' will open `$Wais::maxnumfd' connections
              in parallel at most.


              `Wais::Retrieve' should be called with named
              parameters (i.e. a hash). Valid parameters are
              database, host, port, docid, and type.

                      $result = Wais::Retrieve('database' => $db,
                                               'docid'    => $id, 
                                               'host'     => 'ls6',
                                               'type'     => 'TEXT');

              Defaults are the same as for `Wais::Search'. In
              addition type defaults to `'TEXT''.


              The functions `Wais::Search' and `Wais::Retrieve'
              return references to objects blessed into
              `Wais:Result'. The following methods are available:

    diagnostics         Returns and array of diagnostic messages. Each
                        element (if any) is a reference to an array
                        consisting of

                   tag                 The tag of the corresponding
                                       search request or
                                       `'document'' if the request
                                       was a retrieve request.

                   code                The WAIS diagnostic code.

                   message             A textual diagnostic message.

    header              Returns and array of WAIS document headers. Each
                        element (if any) is a reference to an array
                        consisting of

                   tag                 The tag of the corresponding
                                       search request or
                                       `'document'' if the request
                                       was a retrieve request.


                   lines               Length of the corresponding
                                       dcoument in lines.

                   length              Length of the corresponding
                                       document in bytes.


                   types               A reference to an array of types
                                       valid for docid.

                   docid               A reference to the WAIS
                                       identifier blessed into

    text                Returns the text fetched by `Wais::Retrieve'.

              There are a couple of functions to inspect local
              databases. See the inspect script in the distribution.
              You need the Curses module to run it. Also adapt the
              directory settings in the top part.


                     %frequency = Wais::dictionary($database);
                     %frequency = Wais::dictionary($database, $field);
                     %frequency = Wais::dictionary($database, 'foo*');
                     %frequency = Wais::dictionary($database,  $field, 'foo*');

              The function returns an array containing alternating
              the matching words in the global or field dictionary
              matching the prefix if given and the freqence of the
              preceding word. In a sclar context, the number of
              matching word is returned.


              The function takes the same arguments as
              Wais::dictionary. It returns the same array rsp.
              wordcount with the word frequencies replaced by the
              offset of the postinglist in the inverted file.


                     %postings = Wais::postings($database, 'foo');
                     %postings = Wais::postings($database, $field, 'foo');

              Returns and an array containing alternating numeric
              document id's and a reference to an array whichs first
              element is the internal weight if the word with
              respect to the document. The other elements are the
              word/character positions of the occurances of the word
              in the document. If freeWAIS-sf is compiled with `-
              DPROXIMITY', word positions are returned otherwise
              character postitions.

              In an scalar context the number of occurances of the
              word is returned.


                     $headline = Wais::headline($database, $docid);

              The function retrieves the headline (only the text!)
              of the document numbered `$docid'.


                     $text = &Wais::document($database, $docid);

              The function retrieves the text of the document
              numbered `$docid'.


                     $apdu = Wais::generate_search_apdu($query,$database);
                     $relevant = [$id1, 'TEXT', $id2, 'HTML'];
                     $apdu = Wais::generate_search_apdu($query,$database,$relevant);

              Document id's must be of type `WAIS::Docid' as
              returned by `Wais::Result::header' or
              Wais::Search::header. $WAIS::maxdoc may be set to
              modify the number of documents to retrieve.


                     $apdu = Wais::generate_retrieval_apdu($database, $docid, $type);
                     $apdu = Wais::generate_retrieval_apdu($database, $docid, 
                                                           $type, $chunk);

              Request to send the `$chunk''s chunk of the document
              whichs id is `$docid' (must be of type `WAIS::Docid').
              $chunk defaults to `0'. $Wais::CHARS_PER_PAGE may be
              set to influence the chunk size.


                     $answer = Wais::local_answer($apdu);

              Answer the request by local search/retrieval. The
              message header is stripped from the result for
              convenience (see the code of `Wais::Search' rsp.
              documentaion of Wais::Search::new below).


                     $result = Wais::Search::new($message);

              Turn the result message in an object of type
              `Wais::Search'. The following methods are available:
              diagnostics, header, and text. Result of the message
              is pretty the same as for `Wais::Result'. Just the
              tags are missing.


                     $result = new Wais::Docid($distserver, $distdb, $distid,
                                   $copyright,  $origserver, $origdb, $origid);

              Only the first four arguments are manatory.


                     ($distserver, $distdb, $distid, $copyright, $origserver, 
                      $origdb, $origid) = Wais::Docid::split($result);
                     ($distserver, $distdb, $distid) = Wais::Docid::split($result);
                     ($distserver, $distdb, $distid) = $result->split;

              The inverse of `Wais::Docid::new'

    diagnostics         Return an array of references to `[$code,

    header              Return an array of references to `[$score,
                        $lines, $length, $headline, $types,

    text                Returns the chunk of the document requested. For
                        documents larger than $Wais::CHARS_PER_PAGE
                        more than one request must be send.


              The objects will be destroyed by Perl.

    $Wais::version      Generated by: `sprintf(buf, "Wais %3.1f%d",
                        VERSION, PATCHLEVEL);'

    $Wais:errmsg        Set to an verbose error message if something
                        went wrong. Most functions return `undef' on
                        failure after setting `$Wais:errmsg'.

    $Wais::maxdoc       Maximum number of hits to return when searching.
                        Defaults to `40'.

                        Maximum number of bytes to retrieve in a
                        single retrieve request. `Wais:Retrieve'
                        sends multiple requests if necessary to
                        retrieve a document. `CHARS_PER_PAGE'
                        defaults to `4096'.

    $Wais::timeout      Number of seconds to wait for an answer from
                        remote servers. Defaults to 120.

    $Wais::maxnumfd     Maximum number of file descriptors to use
                        simultaneously in `Wais::Search'. Defaults
                        to `10'.

Access to the basic freeWAIS-sf reduction functions
              reduces *word* using the well know Porter algorithm.

                AU: Porter, M.F.
                TI: An Algorithm for Suffix Stripping
                JT: Program
                VO: 14
                PP: 130-137
                PY: 1980
                PM: JUL

              computes the 4 byte Soundex code for *word*.

                AU: Gadd, T.N.
                TI: 'Fisching for Werds'. Phonetic Retrieval of written text in
                    Information Retrieval Systems
                JT: Program
                VO: 22
                NO: 3
                PP: 222-237
                PY: 1988

              computes the 8 byte Phonix code for *word*.

                AU: Gadd, T.N.
                TI: PHONIX: The Algorithm
                JT: Program
                VO: 24
                NO: 4
                PP: 363-366
                PY: 1990
                PM: OCT

              `Wais::Search' currently splits the request in groups
              of `$Wais::maxnumfd' requests. Since some requests of
              the group might be local and/or some might refer to
              the same host/port, groups may not use all
              `$Wais::maxnumfd' possible file descriptors. Therefore
              some performance my be lost when more than
              `$Wais::maxnumfd' requests are processed.

              Ulrich Pfeifer <>,
              Norbert Goevert <>