-- This file is generated from citeproc-bibtex-data.json by scripts/update_bibtex_data.py return { description = "BibTeX CSL mapping", types = { abstract = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-cv.dbx", }, ancienttext = { csl = "classic", source = "sbl.dbx", }, archival = { csl = "collection", notes = "New in CSL v1.0.2.", source = "jurabib.bst", }, archive = { csl = "collection", source = "gbt7714-numerical.bst", }, article = { csl = "article-journal", notes = "May also be `article-magazine` or `article-newspaper` depending upon the field `entrysubtype`.", source = "bibtex", }, ["article-journal"] = { csl = "article-journal", source = "csl", }, ["article-magazine"] = { csl = "article-magazine", source = "csl", }, ["article-newspaper"] = { csl = "article-newspaper", source = "csl", }, artifactdataset = { csl = "dataset", source = "ACM-Reference-Format.bst", }, artifactsoftware = { csl = "software", source = "ACM-Reference-Format.bst", }, artwork = { csl = "graphic", source = "biblatex", }, atlas = { csl = nil, source = "ametsoc2014.bst", }, audio = { csl = "song", notes = "CSL's `song` can be used for any audio recording (not only music).", source = "biblatex", }, bachelor = { csl = "thesis", source = "dlfltxbbibtex.bst", }, bibnote = { csl = nil, notes = "Not supported.", source = "biblatex", }, bill = { csl = "bill", source = "csl", }, book = { csl = "book", source = "bibtex", }, bookinarticle = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookinbook = { csl = "chapter", source = "biblatex", }, bookincollection = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookininarticle = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookininbook = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookinincollection = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookininproceedings = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookininreference = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookinjournal = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookinmathesis = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookinphdthesis = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookinproceedings = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookinreference = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, bookinthesis = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, booklet = { csl = "pamphlet", source = "bibtex", }, broadcast = { csl = "broadcast", source = "csl", }, brochure = { csl = "pamphlet", source = "thesnumb.bst", }, catalog = { csl = nil, source = "arthistory-bonn.dbx", }, cconference = { csl = "paper-conference", source = "seuthesis.bst", }, chapter = { csl = "chapter", source = "csl", }, classic = { csl = "classic", source = "csl", }, classictext = { csl = "classic", source = "sbl.dbx", }, codefragment = { csl = "software", source = "software.dbx", }, collection = { csl = "book", source = "biblatex", }, comment = { csl = nil, notes = "Special entry type for Scribe compatibility", source = "bibtex", }, commentary = { csl = "book", notes = "Not supported.", source = "biblatex", }, commented = { csl = nil, source = "jurabib.bst", }, committee = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-cv.dbx", }, conference = { alias = "inproceedings", csl = "paper-conference", source = "bibtex", }, conferencepaper = { csl = "paper-conference", source = "sbl.dbx", }, constitution = { csl = "legislation", source = "apa.dbx", }, ctan = { csl = "software", source = "tugboat.bst", }, customa = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", }, customb = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", }, customc = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", }, customd = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", }, custome = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", }, customf = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", }, data = { csl = nil, source = "apa6.dbx", }, database = { csl = "dataset", source = "gbt7714-numerical.bst", }, dataset = { csl = "dataset", source = "biblatex", }, degree = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-cv.dbx", }, dictionary = { csl = "book", source = "vancouver.bst", }, docthesis = { csl = "thesis", source = "gost2003.bst", }, document = { csl = "document", source = "csl", }, electronic = { alias = "online", csl = "webpage", source = "biblatex", }, entry = { csl = "entry", source = "csl", }, ["entry-dictionary"] = { csl = "entry-dictionary", source = "csl", }, ["entry-encyclopedia"] = { csl = "entry-encyclopedia", source = "csl", }, eulegislation = { csl = "legislation", source = "bath.bst", }, event = { csl = "event", source = "csl", }, exhibcatalog = { csl = nil, source = "arthistory-bonn.dbx", }, figure = { csl = "figure", source = "csl", }, footnote = { csl = nil, source = "apsrev4-2.bst", }, funding = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-cv.dbx", }, game = { csl = "software", source = "ACM-Reference-Format.bst", }, gitcommit = { csl = nil, source = "gitlog.dbx", }, govpub = { csl = "regulation", source = "thesnumb.bst", }, graphic = { csl = "graphic", source = "csl", }, habthesis = { csl = "thesis", source = "bestpapers-export.bst", }, heading = { csl = nil, source = "bookdb.bst", }, hearing = { csl = "hearing", source = "csl", }, hidden = { csl = nil, source = "abntex2-alf.bst", }, image = { csl = "graphic", source = "biblatex", }, inarticle = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, inaudio = { csl = nil, source = "oxalph.dbx", }, inbook = { csl = "chapter", source = "bibtex", }, incatalog = { csl = nil, source = "arthistory-bonn.dbx", }, incollection = { csl = "chapter", source = "bibtex", }, incommentary = { csl = nil, source = "sbl.dbx", }, inexhibcatalog = { csl = nil, source = "arthistory-bonn.dbx", }, ininarticle = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, ininbook = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, inincollection = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, ininproceedings = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, ininreference = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, inlexicon = { csl = nil, source = "sbl.dbx", }, inloosecollection = { csl = "chapter", source = "resphilosophica.bst", }, inmathesis = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, inmovie = { csl = nil, source = "oxalph.dbx", }, inmusic = { csl = nil, source = "oxalph.dbx", }, inphdthesis = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, inpress = { csl = "article", notes = "Use for preprints, working papers, and similar works posted on a platform where some level of persistence or stewardship is expected (e.g. arXiv or other preprint repositories, working paper series).", source = "bjnano.bst", }, inproceedings = { csl = "paper-conference", source = "bibtex", }, inreference = { csl = "entry", notes = "May also be `entry`, `entry-dictionary` or `entry-encyclopedia`.", source = "biblatex", }, inserialcollection = { csl = nil, source = "asmejour.bst", }, internet = { csl = "webpage", source = "IEEEtran.bst", }, interview = { csl = "interview", source = "csl", }, inthesis = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", }, invideo = { csl = nil, source = "oxalph.dbx", }, journalpart = { csl = nil, source = "abntex2-alf.bst", }, journals = { csl = "periodical", source = "bestpapers-export.bst", }, jurisdiction = { csl = "legal_case", notes = '"Court decisions, court recordings, and similar things."', source = "biblatex", }, jurthesis = { csl = "thesis", source = "jurabib.bst", }, legadminmaterial = { csl = "regulation", source = "apa.dbx", }, legal = { csl = "treaty", notes = '"Legal documents such as treaties."', source = "biblatex", }, legal_case = { csl = "legal_case", source = "csl", }, legislation = { csl = "legislation", notes = '"Laws, bills, legislative proposals, and similar things." May also be `bill`', source = "biblatex", }, legmaterial = { csl = "legislation", source = "apa.dbx", }, letter = { csl = "personal_communication", source = "biblatex", }, letters = { csl = "personal_communication", source = "apa6.dbx", }, lexicon = { csl = "book", source = "jurabib.bst", }, majorthesis = { csl = "thesis", source = "achicago.bst", }, manual = { csl = "report", notes = "CSL's `report` is also used for manuals and similar technical documentation (e.g. a software, instrument, or test manual).", source = "bibtex", }, manuscript = { csl = "manuscript", source = "manuscripts-shared.dbx", }, map = { csl = "map", source = "vancouver.bst", }, mastersthesis = { alias = "thesis", csl = "thesis", source = "bibtex", }, masterthesis = { csl = "thesis", source = "asaetr.bst", }, minorthesis = { csl = "thesis", source = "achicago.bst", }, misc = { csl = "document", notes = "New in CSL v1.0.2.", source = "bibtex", }, mlasource = { csl = nil, source = "mla.dbx", }, monograph = { csl = "book", source = "gbt7714-numerical.bst", }, monography = { csl = "book", source = "abntex2-alf.bst", }, motion_picture = { csl = "motion_picture", source = "csl", }, movie = { csl = "motion_picture", source = "biblatex", }, music = { csl = "song", source = "biblatex", }, musical_score = { csl = "musical_score", source = "csl", }, mvbook = { csl = "book", source = "biblatex", }, mvcollection = { csl = "book", source = "biblatex", }, mvcommentary = { csl = nil, source = "sbl.dbx", }, mvlexicon = { csl = nil, source = "sbl.dbx", }, mvproceedings = { csl = "book", source = "biblatex", }, mvreference = { csl = "book", source = "biblatex", }, nameonly = { csl = nil, source = "apa.dbx", }, news = { csl = "article-newspaper", source = "seuthesix.bst", }, newsarticle = { csl = "article-newspaper", source = "apa6.dbx", }, newspaper = { csl = "article-newspaper", source = "gbt7714-numerical.bst", }, online = { csl = "webpage", source = "biblatex", }, other = { csl = nil, source = "bjnano.bst", }, pamphlet = { csl = "pamphlet", source = "csl", }, ["paper-conference"] = { csl = "paper-conference", source = "csl", }, patent = { csl = "patent", source = "biblatex", }, performance = { csl = "performance", notes = "New in CSL v1.0.2.", source = "biblatex", }, periodical = { csl = "periodical", notes = "New in CSL v1.0.2.", source = "biblatex", }, personal_communication = { csl = "personal_communication", source = "csl", }, phdthesis = { alias = "thesis", csl = "thesis", source = "bibtex", }, post = { csl = "post", source = "csl", }, ["post-weblog"] = { csl = "post-weblog", source = "csl", }, preamble = { csl = nil, notes = "Special entry type for inserting commands or text in the bbl", source = "bibtex", }, preprint = { csl = "article", notes = "Use for preprints, working papers, and similar works posted on a platform where some level of persistence or stewardship is expected (e.g. arXiv or other preprint repositories, working paper series).", source = "gbt7714-numerical.bst", }, presentation = { csl = "speech", notes = "A speech or other presentation (e.g. a paper, talk, poster, or symposium at a conference).", source = "apsrev4-2.bst", }, proceedings = { csl = "book", source = "bibtex", }, program = { csl = "software", source = "ChemCommun.bst", }, reference = { csl = "book", source = "biblatex", }, regulation = { csl = "regulation", source = "csl", }, report = { csl = "report", source = "biblatex", }, repository = { csl = nil, source = "quantum.bst", }, review = { csl = "review", notes = '"A more specific variant of the `@article` type"', source = "biblatex", }, ["review-book"] = { csl = "review-book", source = "csl", }, school = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-cv.dbx", }, seminarpaper = { csl = nil, source = "sbl.dbx", }, set = { csl = nil, notes = "Not supported.", source = "biblatex", }, setup = { csl = nil, source = "bestpapers-export.bst", }, software = { csl = "software", notes = "New in CSL v1.0.2.", source = "biblatex", }, softwaremodule = { csl = "software", source = "software.dbx", }, softwareversion = { csl = nil, source = "software.dbx", }, song = { csl = "song", source = "csl", }, speech = { csl = "speech", source = "csl", }, standard = { csl = "standard", notes = "New in CSL v1.0.2.", source = "biblatex", }, string = { csl = nil, notes = "Special entry type for defining abbreviations", source = "bibtex", }, student = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-cv.dbx", }, suppbook = { csl = "chapter", notes = 'lossy mapping; "Supplemental material in a `@book`. This type is closely related to the @inbook entry type. While `@inbook` is primarily intended for a part of a book with its own title (e. g., a single essay in a collection of essays by the same author), this type is provided for elements such as prefaces, introductions, forewords, afterwords, etc. which often have a generic title only. Style guides may require such items to be formatted differently from other `@inbook` items."', source = "biblatex", }, suppcollection = { csl = "chapter", notes = "lossy mapping; see `suppbook`", source = "biblatex", }, suppperiodical = { csl = "article", notes = "see `article`", source = "biblatex", }, talk = { csl = "speech", source = "archaeologie.dbx", }, teaching = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-cv.dbx", }, techreport = { alias = "report", csl = "report", source = "bibtex", }, techstandard = { csl = "standard", notes = "New in CSL v1.0.2.", source = "udesoftec.bst", }, thesis = { csl = "thesis", source = "biblatex", }, treaty = { csl = "treaty", source = "csl", }, uklegislation = { csl = "legislation", source = "bath.bst", }, unpublished = { csl = "manuscript", notes = "For unpublished works not made widely available or only hosted on personal websites, use manuscript", source = "bibtex", }, video = { csl = "motion_picture", source = "biblatex", }, webpage = { csl = "webpage", source = "IEEEtran.bst", }, website = { csl = "webpage", source = "quantum.bst", }, www = { alias = "online", csl = "webpage", source = "biblatex", }, xdata = { csl = nil, notes = 'special item type: "`@xdata` entries hold data which may be inherited by other entries using the xdata field. Entries of this type only serve as data containers; they may not be cited or added to the bibliography."', source = "biblatex", }, }, fields = { abstract = { csl = "abstract", source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, abstractloc = { csl = nil, source = "apa6.dbx", type = "literal", }, abstracturl = { csl = nil, source = "apa6.dbx", type = "verbatim", }, accessed = { csl = "accessed", source = "csl", }, account = { csl = nil, source = "address-html.bst", }, acronym = { csl = nil, source = "export.bst", type = "literal", }, actor = { csl = "performer", source = "fiwi.dbx", type = "name", }, add = { csl = nil, source = "figbib.bst", }, add1 = { csl = nil, source = "figbib1.bst", }, addendum = { csl = nil, notes = "Not supported.", source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, address = { alias = "location", csl = "publisher-place", source = "bibtex", type = "literal", }, adsurl = { csl = nil, source = "mnras.bst", }, advisor = { csl = nil, source = "ACM-Reference-Format.bst", type = "name", }, afterword = { csl = nil, notes = "Not supported.", source = "biblatex", type = "name", }, alternatetitle = { csl = nil, source = "fiwi.dbx", type = "literal", }, alternatetitlescript = { csl = nil, source = "fiwi.dbx", type = "literal", }, amendment = { csl = nil, source = "apa.dbx", type = "literal", }, amount = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-cv.dbx", type = "integer", }, annotate = { csl = "note", source = "apacite.bst", }, annotation = { csl = "note", notes = "Descriptive text or notes about an item (e.g. in an annotated bibliography)", source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, annotator = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", type = "name", }, annote = { alias = "annotation", csl = "note", source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, annotelanguage = { csl = nil, source = "bababbr3-fl.bst", }, anonstring = { csl = nil, source = "aefkw.dbx", type = "name", }, appentry = { csl = nil, source = "apa.dbx", type = "literal", }, applicant = { csl = nil, source = "seuthesix.bst", }, arachne = { csl = nil, source = "archaeologie.dbx", type = "verbatim", }, archive = { csl = "archive", source = "apsrev4-2.bst", }, ["archive-place"] = { csl = "archive-place", source = "csl", }, archive_collection = { csl = "archive_collection", source = "csl", }, archive_location = { csl = "archive_location", source = "csl", }, archiveprefix = { alias = "eprinttype", csl = "archive", source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, archname = { csl = "archive", source = "jurabib.bst", }, arthist = { csl = nil, source = "arthistory-bonn.dbx", type = "integer", }, arthistdate = { csl = nil, source = "arthistory-bonn.dbx", type = "date", }, article = { csl = nil, notes = "Should be prepended to the section field (e.g., article I section 3)", source = "apa.dbx", type = "literal", }, articleno = { csl = nil, source = "ACM-Reference-Format.bst", type = "literal", }, arxiv = { csl = nil, source = "aomalpha.bst", }, assignee = { csl = nil, source = "vancouver.bst", }, author = { csl = "author", source = "bibtex", type = "name", }, authoraddon = { csl = nil, source = "oxalph.dbx", type = "name", }, authorcountry = { csl = nil, source = "gost2003.bst", type = "literal", }, authorfa = { csl = nil, source = "asa-fa.bst", }, authority = { csl = "authority", source = "csl", }, authortype = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", type = "key", }, ["available-date"] = { csl = "available-date", source = "csl", }, bibsource = { csl = nil, source = "export.bst", }, biburl = { csl = nil, source = "export.bst", }, binding = { csl = nil, source = "bookdb.bst", }, birthday = { csl = nil, source = "adrbirthday.bst", }, birthyear = { csl = nil, source = "address-html.bst", }, blogsubtitle = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "literal", }, blogtitle = { csl = "title", source = "windycity.dbx", type = "literal", }, blogtitleaddon = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "literal", }, book = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-gost.dbx", type = "range", }, bookaddress = { csl = "publisher-place", source = "apsrev4-2.bst", }, bookafterword = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-gost.dbx", type = "name", }, bookannotator = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-gost.dbx", type = "name", }, bookauthor = { csl = "container-author", source = "biblatex", type = "name", }, bookauthortype = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "literal", }, bookbooksubtitle = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "literal", }, bookbooktitle = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "literal", }, bookbooktitleaddon = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "literal", }, bookbooktitlekey = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "key", }, bookbookvolume = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "literal", }, bookcommentator = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-gost.dbx", type = "name", }, bookcredits = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-gost.dbx", type = "literal", }, bookeditor = { csl = "editor", source = "bookinother.dbx", type = "name", }, bookforeword = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-gost.dbx", type = "name", }, bookineditor = { csl = nil, source = "bookinother.dbx", type = "name", }, bookintroduction = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-gost.dbx", type = "name", }, booklanguage = { csl = nil, source = "gost2003.bst", }, bookoriglanguage = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-gost.dbx", type = "key", }, bookpages = { csl = nil, source = "ACM-Reference-Format.bst", }, bookpagination = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", type = "key", }, books = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-gost.dbx", type = "literal", }, booksubtitle = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, booktitle = { csl = "container-title", source = "bibtex", type = "literal", }, booktitleaddon = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, booktitlekey = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "key", }, booktitlenote = { csl = nil, source = "aefkw.dbx", type = "literal", }, booktranslator = { csl = "translator", source = "biblatex-gost.dbx", type = "name", }, bookvolume = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "literal", }, bookyear = { csl = nil, source = "windycity.dbx", type = "literal", }, by = { csl = nil, source = "iran-unsrt.bst", }, ["call-number"] = { csl = "call-number", source = "csl", }, caption = { csl = nil, source = "figbib.bst", }, caption1 = { csl = nil, source = "figbib1.bst", }, cartographer = { csl = nil, source = "vancouver.bst", }, casenumber = { csl = nil, source = "bath.bst", }, catalog = { csl = nil, source = "oxalph.dbx", type = "literal", }, category = { csl = nil, source = "bookdb.bst", }, cellular = { csl = nil, source = "address-html.bst", }, chair = { csl = "chair", source = "apacite.bst", }, chapter = { csl = "chapter-number", source = "bibtex", type = "literal", }, ["chapter-number"] = { csl = "chapter-number", source = "csl", }, citation = { csl = nil, source = "apa.dbx", type = "literal", }, citations = { csl = nil, source = "publist.dbx", type = "literal", }, citedate = { csl = nil, source = "seuthesis.bst", }, city = { csl = nil, source = "ACM-Reference-Format.bst", }, classes = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex-cv.dbx", type = "entrykey", }, claves = { csl = nil, source = "claves.dbx", type = "literal", }, claves_definition = { csl = nil, source = "claves.dbx", type = "literal", }, code = { csl = nil, source = "quantum.bst", }, coden = { csl = nil, source = "is-abbrv.bst", }, collaboration = { csl = nil, source = "apsrev4-2.bst", type = "literal", }, collator = { csl = nil, source = "bookdb.bst", }, collection = { csl = nil, source = "bath.dbx", type = "literal", }, ["collection-editor"] = { csl = "collection-editor", source = "csl", }, ["collection-number"] = { csl = "collection-number", source = "csl", }, ["collection-title"] = { csl = "collection-title", source = "csl", }, columns = { csl = nil, source = "manuscripts-shared.dbx", type = "literal", }, comment = { csl = nil, source = "abstract.bst", }, commentator = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", type = "name", }, commit = { csl = nil, 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The identifier must be a language name known to the babel/polyglossia packages. It should be converted to ISO 639-1 language code in CSL.", source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, langidopts = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, language = { csl = "language", notes = "The `language` field in `biblatex` has no special internal meaning thus it is used only when langid is missing.", source = "biblatex", type = "key", }, lastaccessed = { csl = "accessed", source = "ACM-Reference-Format.bst", type = "literal", }, lastchecked = { csl = "accessed", source = "apacite.bst", }, layer = { csl = nil, source = "manuscripts-shared.dbx", type = "literal", }, lccn = { csl = nil, source = "is-abbrv.bst", }, library = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, librarylocation = { csl = "archive-place", source = "fiwi.dbx", type = "literal", }, license = { csl = "license", source = "software.dbx", type = "literal", }, lista = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, listb = { csl = nil, source = "biblatex", type = "literal", }, listc = 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